USAF Units: 103rd Fighter Group US Air Force: Units
103rd Fighter Group ANG Bradley IAP, Connecticutt A-10A, C-26B 'CT' 118th Fighter Squadron

The 118th FS is the group's flying unit and has been operating the A-10A since May 1979, with a C-26B support. The squadron was organized in November 1923 and called to active duty in February 1941, until November 1945 when it was transferred back to the National Guard. The unit was federalized in August 1946 as the 118th Fighter Squadron at Bradley Field with T-6s and a C-47, before acquiring the P-47N. Mobilized between February 1951 and October 1952 as the 118th FIS and assigned to 103rd FIG, the unit converted to the F-51H in Decenmber 1952 and the F-84D the following year. The F-94B was assigned in 1956 and the F-86H two years later. The FIS designation was retained, with F-100As operated from October 1959 and F-102As begining in December 1965. The unit became a Tactical Fighter Squadron with the F-100D in April 1971, and was the first ANG unit to convert to the A-10A in 1979.